Wednesday 15 February 2023

Dachshund Christmas

I bet I'm not the only one who goes into the craftroom to make a certain card and ends up making something completely different.   
I came in my craftroom to make a birthday card this morning, whilst going into a die box came across this little Daschund die which I bought a long time ago and had never used it so decided to do something with it...and here is a Christmas card... I'm afraid I can't tell you what brand the die is as it was just on a magnet sheet...  anyway one less Christmas card to make!

Its a beautiful day down here in Somerset, the sun is out and its quite pleasant outside..


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meg said...

An adorable diecut and card,love the kraft,black and white combo

brenda said...

It's lovely Dora. Poppy stencils used to make one the same as I tried to find it because Azaria has a Duchshund, it was discontinued but I found another similar.

B x

brenda said...

I am convinced I put Dora and not Anne in my comment, had just come from her blog!

B x

Sandra H said...

This is so lovely such a gorgeous image too! xx

Aquarius said...

Oh yes that sort of thing happens to me all the time 😂. Super Christmas card ready for later in the year, look forward to seeing the birthday one too when you get around to making it

Fabiola said...

oh Anne, mais c'est trop mignoooon!

Liz said...

Yes, that happens to me too. I also go into my craft room to blitz it and end up making a card instead! Your card is wonderful, what a cute little dachshund. I have a similar die which I haven't used for a while, so I think I may need to get him out.

We're slightly north of Somerset. Quite a nice day here, but SO blustery. xx

Pat said...

This is such a sweet little dachshund die Anne, and I love the santa hat and cute little red and white boots, and also the little bell on a red collar around his neck, and the swiss dots and red and white spotted paper go beautifully on the kraft card. x

Janie Printz said...

Very cute card Anne. Glad to see you’re still doing what you love.

pam said...

Aw cute Dachshund Anne, brilliant festive card.
Hugs Pam x

Pat K said...

Oh what a cutie making such a lovely xmas card Anne. x

Darnell said...

Yes, I have had that happen more than once, Anne! In this case, you couldn't have made a cuter card, but I love doxies, so I'm prejudiced! He is so darling in his Santa hat, collar, and booties! And well done using your NBUS! Hugs, Darnell