No card to show you today as we have just returned from holiday but thought you might like to see what we sometimes get up to!
As many of you know Andy and I are 1940 re enactors we had a fabulous time last weekend at the Severn Valley Railway 1940's weekend that we attend every year. We were so lucky with the weather it was so hot on Saturday. Andy wore his 'spiv' outfit this time and has lots of watches and stockings pinned inside his jacket as well as lots of 'black market' goodies in his suitcase lol lol ....I ended up ditching my 'fur' as it was just too hot....unfortunately my sunglasses are not 1940's style but my hay fever was really bad so needed to wear them.
We met lots of great people and had such a laugh as usual. If you love the 1940's and the steam railway its a great weekend ( its also on this weekend) we hop on and off the train visiting different stations where there's something going on at each station, you can attend a 1940's wedding, lots of stall selling 1940's clothes and bric brac, they have a battle and even Winston Churchill, the King and Monty are all there...plenty live 1940's music on the stations and a great show in the evening held on Kidderminster station ..hope I haven't bored you all.....
Hopefully once I've ploughed through the washing and ironing I'll be back in the craft room.