Sunday 10 July 2022

'Thinking of you'.....

It's been a while since I last posted.....My craftroom faces South and it is  really is too hot to craft but have been playing with some new stamps and dies....S.U. Horizon and Ocean Sea front.    It's been a very frustrating day and lots of cards have gone in the bin....was going to give up and call it a day..... 
No body likes waste so I pulled a card from the bin and this is what I came up with....   Butterflies cover a multitude of sins on a card but couldn't use one of this card hence the little cats.....  I do like playing with inks but sometimes ink just appears where you don't want it...  Time for a cup of tea I think....     Hope you are all taking care in this heat... 


thanks for popping by..


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  1. No one would guess these cats are hiding anything - well done for resurrecting this card from the bin. A lovely scene after all the frustration.

  2. Wonderful scene Anne, those cats are so cute.
    Pam x

  3. What a great job here Anne! It's a lovely scene. x

  4. A fabulous peaceful scene,the card are a perfect finishing touch

  5. A beautiful scene Anne, no one would guess that you didn’t intend to put the cats in the scene. xx

  6. Such a lovely and peaceful scene Anne.

    B x

  7. So beautiful Anne is your card lovely scenery x

  8. Thanks to Aquarius for linking your blog, I love your beach scene and the way you’ve used the cats!
    Crafting can be frustrating at times, but you have a lovely result.
    I had a peek at some other posts, and love the jubilee seating area, but also discovered we had almost exactly the same covid experience, even down to the going away just after!
    I often feel on the same wavelength as Val, so maybe our stars will be aligned too 😃.
    Keep cool, we’re headed back to Kent just in time for the dreaded highest temperatures ugh 🥵🥵🥵xxx

  9. Another fabulous project, love the colours you have used.

  10. I'm glad you persevered, Anne, because I think your ocean scene is so pretty. Those cats are mesmerized by the birds! I am thinking of all of you as you deal with the unrelenting heat and I pray that it ends soon! Hugs, Darnell

  11. Beautiful scene you've created Anne. Worth all your perseverance. Hope it is cooler today for you. xx

  12. Such a pretty scene Anne and I love the added cats which work and who would guess there was ever a problem. I have been away for nearly three weeks so hence the late commenting. The latter part of the holiday coincided with the really hot temperatures`which were difficult to cope with but at least it was cool when we were travelling in the car. x

  13. This is a fantastic card Anne. Definitely cannot see those cats hiding anything. I cannot cope with the heat so I was pleased when it cooled down, although today was pretty hot too. Hugs Christine xx

  14. You have created a lovely scene Anne, great card.
    Janice x

  15. Well you must be thinking about me Anne. I have 3 cats and live by the ocean. so glad you pulled this card out of the bin because it really is a nice scene.
    Sandy xx
