Saturday 23 July 2022

'Hand Penned' Birthday....

It's so nice to have the cooler weather...its been so hot... there was no way I could sit in my craftroom as it faces South...anyway we shouldn't complain the garden's are in great need of any rain so any is very welcome.

Back to my card....found some unused bits in my 'bit box' including and image from the SU set Hand Penned and I had enough other 'bits' to make up a card...

Hope you all have a great weekend...I don't envy those stuck at's 'ourgate' for us through the summer holiday's...


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  1. A pretty floral card made from some of your bits and pieces, always satisfying to know you've used up some of the 'bits' littering your desk.

  2. A beautiful floral image,layout and colour combo Anne, the heat has been exhausting and we didn't have the high temperatures you did

  3. Brilliant card, design and love the image, perfection + ♥

  4. You have made a splendid design for this bits box card Anne and I love the purple tones for the background and the floral topper goes perfectly. I am relieved that it is cooler now is heavy going doing anything when it is so hot. x

  5. Totally stunning card and adorable image and layout x

  6. Beautiful card Anne, a lovely design.
    It's a welcome relief to have some cooler weather and so hard to do any crafting when it's so hot. xx

  7. Beautiful card Anne,
    I could only craft in a morning with the heat.
    Glad it`s cooled down
    Pam x

  8. I always feel self satisfied when I can use up some of my scraps or unused pieces and you have made great use of them on this pretty card Anne. Hugs Christine x

  9. Gorgeous card Anne, cleverly put together using your unused pieces.
    Janice x
