Thursday 26 March 2020

Masculine card...

Hunkydory images come in so handy for making a quick card...just added some foliage around the image and popped it on a map background.

How are we are all doing in lock down? Unfortunately I'm one of those who is vulnerable and can't even go out for a walk now....thank goodness we have a garden and the weather has been lovely so at least we can sit outside.  The annoying thing for me is not being able to have my hair cut as I keep my hair short... wonder if I'll end up with a pony tail or plaits??  Knitting is also a hobby of mine so perhaps I could knit us both a couple of hats to hide our unruly mops!

Keep safe my lovely blogging friends and thanks for passing by


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  1. What a lovely card Anne! Luckily my daughter is hairdresser otherwise I'd be asking you to knit me a hat lol! Take care x

  2. Great happy card Anne....I am ok being in my own garden and playing with the dog, hubby is good company and we can still go for isolated walk around the pond until they do total lock down... a bit slack in our country in doing that and virus is spreading like the fires.

  3. This is a lovely image Anne and the map background goes beautifully. It is difficult at the moment. Luckily I had my hair cut fairly recently so will be OK for a few weeks before it starts to get out of I think it was you who wanted a Noah's Ark type image a little while ago? It's probably too late now, but I came across this Whimsy Stamp digital image which I thought might fit the bill, unfortunately it is in dollars, but anyway here is the link
    Take care. x

  4. A great card Anne.
    I have let my hair grow a little over the last year and was only saying to my friend via a video call this morning (who incidentally is a hairdresser!)that I was thankful I don't have lots of layers to worry about and can now tie it up! She pointed out yes that's good but what are you going to do when your roots start to show......

    Can I order a hat now please?????

  5. Great idea to add the foliage to the image and the map background is great with the car. There are going to be a lot of people with unruly mops and a fair few shaggy dogs who can't be taken to the groomers.

  6. Fabulous card Anne, think we`ll all be having longer hair!
    Stay safe Pam x

  7. Gorgeous card nice to be able to get out in the garden please stay safe xx

  8. Hi Anne
    Fabulous gents card... they are the ones we struggle with...
    At least you don’t have to worry about the colour... I do my own as I am...or was a hairdresser back in the day... at least I can cut a Roys... he’s lucky...
    I must say it’s very scary ...for us oldies...
    Take Care
    Sylvie xx

  9. Men and cars just seem to go together - nice masculine car.
    Hope all is staying well in your family Anne -- Seems that I am in the age range (I am 75) and have a precondition (asthma - which is bothering me right now due to all the pollen) that I really should stay in and away from people. My husband does go out now and then to the grocery store but we all practice social distancing.
    Stay well Anne!
    Sandy xx

  10. Hi Anne

    A great card .. .. and the added foliage makes such a big difference.

    I am pleased you have a garden to be able to sit out and enjoy.

    Who knows what will happen with our hairstyles!! Our local radio says that the old "bowl cut" will be coming back into fashion! LOL!!

    Love Jules xx

  11. Superbe! Très elegant, biz

  12. The last remark made me smile, I think the new style will be unruly and grey, I am going grey and happy too, I do not do anything with mine I just go for the dragged through a bush look :0)) seriously though i would love to learn to knit my gran could knit and did all my kiddies clothes, and I loved them...

    I love this card it is such a pretty scene, hugs Pops x
