Friday 10 January 2020

My first Christmas card...

My first Christmas card for 2020...   whilst emptying one cupboard this week I found a a couple of lovely Craftwork cards paper pad books, this one is called Christmas Post.  
I've no  idea when I bought these but it has to be at least 3/4 years ago.... that  shows I have too much crafty stuff!  
I'm trying not  to buy any more craft stuff this year but use what I have, This lovely pad has toppers and tags in it so plenty in to make lots of Christmas cards.

Thank for stopping by




  1. Hi Anne
    Fabulous card::: I have that kit too... I used to by everything Crafrworks card... with the lovely Julie Hickey demonstrating
    Happy New Year
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  2. Lovely traditional card - I recognise the paper because, guess what, I bought the same about that long ago. What good taste we have!!

  3. A gorgeous Christmas card Anne, love those papers...fairly sure I've got these hiding somewhere too!
    Lorraine x

  4. I have some of these still, lovely card

  5. Beautiful card, Anne. I love the layout of your design. I have so many old paper pads, I guess some of them are almost antique! xx

  6. Beautiful card Anne, I can relate to having too much stash, papers the lot, great find,xx

  7. It's a really lovely Christmas card Anne, I hope your resolve continues in a better way than mine, I succumbed yesterday!

    B x

  8. Beautiful card Anne. Lovely design for the sweet images. Great start on this years Christmas cards. xx

  9. What a good find in your stash -- you have mad a stunning card and I love the flower!
    Sandy xx

  10. This Craftwork Card paper looks great used as a backdrop to your pretty poinsettia and love the bird topper and circular sentiment all going together beautifully Anne.

  11. Beautiful card Anne, love the papers and design
    Pam x

  12. Beautiful card Anne....well done on starting your Christmas cards...Joolsx

  13. Happy New Year to you Anne. Fantastic card and I have this beautiful pad too. I'm clearing up things in my craft room and found so much stuff that I had forgotten about. Hugs Rita xxx

  14. This is fabulous l love that paper pack and to see you used all the elements from it too totally stunning Christmas card xx

  15. Anne this is simply stunning I love the layout and the vintage feel to it, hugs Pops x

  16. Hi Anne

    A lovely "first" Christmas card. Those papers look beautiful!

    Good luck with your new stash ban.

    I have lots of part used design pads I am going to be trying hard to use up this year!

    Hope 2020 has got off to a good start for you.

    Love Jules xx

  17. Such a lovely card Anne. Well done on using some of your old papers.
    Janice x

  18. Il n'est jamais trop tôt pour commencer! Et en plus elle est adorable, biz
