Thursday 2 January 2020

Chocolate orange Hats...

 Firstly I would like to wish you all a Very Happy and Peaceful New Year,

 For my craft fair in November I made a lot of Hats for the Terrys Chocolate Orange...

                                  These little hats flew off my stall

This rabbit hat was a special one for our youngest grandson who is absolutely rabbit mad...the look on his face when he opened this present was priceless...
I've started knitting already for this year but will have some some new designs as well...

Hope you are all well have and kept clear of this awful Flu type bug which is going around both my Son in law and daughter are recovering from this...


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  1. What a great idea Anne, love these knits, they are so cute!
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year.
    Janice x

  2. Happy New Year to you too Anne. I love these hats, and would love to have seen your grandson's face when he saw the rabbit!
    Kath x

  3. Love your hats Anne, the rabbit one is fantastic! Look forward to seeing your new designs x

  4. So cute. I bought my Mum a Xmas pud one as she knits for charity and it gave her an idea. Yours are beautifully done

  5. OMGosh, these are amazing, Anne! What a lovely idea. xx

  6. These are gorgeous Anne, I'm not surprised they flew off your stall. Love the Christmas pudding one.
    Lorraine x

  7. What a great idea to make hats to cover your chocolate oranges Kath, and the rabbit hat is so cute, no wonder your grandson was so excited to get it. A very clever bit of knitting. x

  8. These are all so cute Anne, lovely post. xx

  9. Ooh how cute are they l just love them x

  10. Wow..these are adorable Anne. What a clever idea. Happy New Year! xx

  11. Not surprising that these sold well they are a great idea. The rabbit one is especially good

  12. Hi Anne.

    What a fun idea .. .. I'm not surprised they sold quickly.

    I love the special one for your Grandson.

    I hope that you had a lovely Christmas and wish you all the best for 2020!

    Love Jules xx

  13. I am pea green with envy Anne -- I am trying to learn how to crochet. These little hats are absolutely adorable. I sure wish I could be a neighbor of yours - I am sure you are quite an inspiration and would lovingly nudge me go get off my lazy fanny! Well it's not that I am lazy - I just love to read! Congratulations on your adorable hats and I cannot wait to see more!
    Sandy xx

  14. Such fun creations Anne. So sorry my eye problems have prevented me visiting lately but wanted to wish you a Happy and Crafty New Year.

    B x

  15. These are lovely Anne and I especially like the Christmas pudding. I'm sorry to read that your family haven't been too well and I hope that they'll be on the mend soon. Wishing you a very happy and colourful new year x

  16. Ho la la mais que c'est chou Anne, biz

  17. Hi Anne
    These are fabulous ...what a great idea...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  18. These are just adorable, mmmmm chocolate orange now that's something I have not had in over 20 years, I would love a smell of one :0) hugs pops x
