Tuesday 5 January 2016

Thank you cards....

 Its my first day back in school today as a volunteer and yesterday I made a couple of thank cards to thank you the two classes I work with for their Christmas presents they gave me.

  I've  used up scrap bits of card and designer paper  from my Stampin Up  bit box, how come it never seems to get any smaller??
Its lovely to see the sun shining this morning instead of the awful rain we've had.


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  1. Lovely thank you cards Anne - good luck with using up stuff - I haven't bought any paper for over a year and the boxes are still bursting! x

  2. Lovely card design Anne beautifully put together. My bits box never goes down!
    Val x

  3. Two gorgeous cards, very pretty.
    Lorraine x

  4. What a lovely card design Anne, lovely!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  5. These are great - and use up lots of bits too

  6. These are both great Anne, I like the designs
    Kevin xx

  7. Two Gorgeous Thank you cards Anne, great idea and colours.
    Pam x

  8. Wonderful Anne - you must have a good immune system -- I used to volunteer in the public schools a lot. But then I seemed to keep a cold or a sinus infection. My doctor said it was from being around the kids all the time. You know kids don't like to share much but they do share their colds quite willingly!
    sandy xx

  9. Fabulous creations, gorgeous colours and love the added goodies.xx

  10. Two beautiful cards!!!Great gifts!!!You have a good day!!

  11. Two great cards - bet they loved them. My bits box (trunk!) seems to get bigger overnight.........wonder what they're up to???? lol

    Karen x

  12. Two very special cards that I bet the kids loved. It is funny how those bits and bobs never seem to decrease. :) Happy New Year Anne! xx

  13. Hi Anne
    Two fabulous Thankyou Cards.. Love the colours and the butterflies
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  14. Two gorgeous cards for your school classes....My bit box has now grown to 5!!
    Happy new year to you and your family....Joolsx

  15. Beautiful thank you cards Anne with wonderful colours and design. Happy New Year. hugs, Pat K xx

  16. Two beautiful cards Anne ;) Viv xx

  17. As always very pretty cards Anne.

    B x

  18. These are both lovely, a great idea.
