Saturday 2 January 2016

Clearing my desk....

I am trying to clear up my desk  from last year and use everything thats on it!  This lovely LOTV image is another image Anneke sent me...
Everything on my card is from my bit box that sits on my dest except the buttons..
I have decided that in the month of January I am NOT buying any crafty bits, I suppose like lots of you I have cupboards and drawers full of 'stuff' not used so although I haven't made any New Year resolutions I am determined to use what I have, I know its very tempting when you see new things especialaly dies  but theres also another part of me that says 'when do you stop'.... I've been crafting for 20 years now and there must be things lurking in the backs of drawers and cupboards that haven't seen the light of day for years. I know my friend Val is reading this smiling and say 'yeah right'..lOl..lOl..

We have started sorting our house out getting rid of things that we dont use or want any more.. we've done the loft, and two bedrooms so far....I'm  dreading doing my craft room but it just needs to be done but I'm afraid its going to take several months!!...

Enjoy the rest of the weekend...


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  1. Gorgeous card, love the vintage boys. I am determined this year to use some older stamps. I did really well last year using old papers and olan to continue.

  2. Oh I am so with you on this Anne. I am determined not to buy anything unless it is absolutely necessary eg glue tape etc but definitely no dies, embossing folders, backing papers etc, for the next few months at least. This is great little LOTV card with a super image. Happy New Year to you and your family. Hugs Christine xx

  3. Gorgeous card Anne, such a cute image! Good luck with the decluttering, very theraputic but trying not to buy crafty bits is hard! I really can't buy anymore as I definitely don't have the room although I tell myself that dies take up such very little space!
    Val x

  4. A brilliant boys card Anne. I need to use all my old 'stuff' too before I buy anything long will I last...hubby is looking over my shoulder as I type laughing his head off!!
    Happy New Year to you.
    Lorraine x

  5. Hey Anne - you certainly are off to a grand start with this sweet card. I have always loved LOTV images. I love all the browns with just a touch of green.
    Like you, I do not want to buy anything else - why are they always coming out with something new and better! So I am pledging to use what I have.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful and healthy New Year Anne!
    Sandy xx

  6. Fabulous card Anne, love this adorable image and colour theme.
    Have to agree the stuff I have and never used, a must have at the time!.
    Afraid I still buy!!!
    Pam x

  7. Hi Anne
    Fabby card... Love all LOTV .... I should do the same as you... But don't think I could do it for a month.... I will try...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  8. Brilliant cards the sweet image and great colours....
    You made me smile about to much stuff....
    we all do it.....I like you and going to use and give away some of my older bits....Happy new Year to you and your family....Joolsx

  9. Beautiful Boys card Anne, I like the image and the design
    Kevin xx

  10. Beautiful card!!!Love your image!!!I to said I was not buying new until I use what I have and I only been card making for 5 years!!You and yours have a Bless New Year!!!

  11. Yeah right!! This is a great card using up bits and pieces with that LOTV image

  12. You need to be careful that you don't throw Andy out with everything else! Don't envy you clearing out your craft's one of those jobs you wished you'd never started. Gorgeous card and lovely LOTV image.

    Karen x

  13. Awesome designed card. Am with you all the way it is hard to say 'stop' when seeing a new die, stamp etc, but after my wonderful holiday with hubby, I know where my money is going now....for our next holiday.xx {aNNie}

  14. lol we all have clear outs Anne and l have been at mine for nearly 2 years and l am stilling coming across stuff that l no longer use it takes time but l think your doing really well ..........your card is so lovely wishing you a happy new year xx

  15. Yeah, yeah - good luck with that! Great card though.
    And there are a couple of shows in February so you can treat yourself.

  16. Happy New Year Anne! gorgeous card too, I love that sweet image. Good luck with the craft room sorting, I keep trying to do mine too....and the rest of the house. I think we are all guilty of buying too much 'stuff', I must try and use what I have too ;) Viv xx

  17. What a beautiful card! :) Happy 2016. :)
