Friday 26 April 2013

Shepton Goodies.

 The craft fair at Shepton Mallet yesterday wasn't brilliant, each year there seems to be less and less stalls but still managed to spend a little bit of money but not a lot.

A couple of dies a small stamp and  some stepper cards and some Cosmic glue, also bought other packs of cards for our raffle prizes at Club night.

I did enjoy a little sewing workshop we did making a Celtic design using fusible bias binding which I hadn't seen before and we were aslso taught how to make Suffolk Puffs or Yo Yo's as they call them in America... Obviously only having an hour this is all we had time for so need to finished the project off but will show you when its completed.  I also purchased a mini iron for patchwork and some more lovely binding....

Hopefully I will have a card to show you tomorrow..



  1. I have looked at those mini irons before so I will be interested to hear your opinion of it. I was very tempted to go but the list of exhibitors was not very inspiring and I think I have forgotten how to make cards. Hope you have fun with your new dies. xx Flora

  2. Hi Anne, love that Celtic design......I have a mini iron for patchwork that I have never used....I wish I had known that you wanted one !
    Chris Richards

  3. Enjoy your new stash. Unfortunately the show that comes here to Belfast twice a year is not worth going to anymore.

  4. Great stash there Anne, I see you bought the stamp I have just used too, you will love it :) Viv xx

  5. Lovely colours chosen for your applique and the dies you bought look good so will be watching out for them on your cards.

  6. Great stash Anne your applique is lovely
    jacqui x

  7. Those dies look nice Anne, I look forward to seeing them used on one of your lovely creations. Xx

  8. Lovely goodies Anne, Never seen or heard of the fusible bias binding. It looks lovely and I do like the design. Hugs Rita xx

  9. I like the Die and the stamps, looking forward to seeing what you create.
    I like your project the colours are pretty

    Patricia xxx

  10. Great stash, lots to play with. love that Celtic design can't wait to see the finished piece.

    Wilma x x x

  11. enjoy your goodies Anne,

  12. Can't say I've seen the fusible binding and I work in a quilt shop, sounds like it could be fun. Have you used the Hot Fix ribbon? Love your design and Yo-Yo's are a lot fun to make, they have hearts and butterfly's as well. Have fun with all your goodies.
    hugs, Ruth Ann

  13. It's always fun to visit craft shows. I never did go to any in the UK, but last year I found the Mega Meet in Novi - it was fab. And I'm going to this year's show on 9th and 10th May - can't wait. I'm taking some classes and will probably come home with a few bits and pieces!!

    Enjoy playing with your stash. And I must say that I do like the celtic design you created.

  14. Well you did manage to find some goodies. I have nothing like this fair to shop at near me. I love that Celtic design Anne -- are you on to a whole new thing!!

  15. Great stash!Hope you enjoy,cannot wait to see what you are going to make,Have a good weekend...

  16. Shame there was less to buy but some goodies nonetheless. That celtic design looks interesting. I have some candy on offer

  17. Your little workshop project looks lovely, quite impressive for an hour. It's better on the purse if there isn't quite as much there!

  18. So jealous of your new stash, Anne!

  19. Hi Anne, Lovely Stash.....i will be waiting to see what you are going to make with this lot...Love the celtic for the Suffolk puff....i now live in Suffolk and not seen this at all!!....Joolsx

  20. Oh that looks good!! can't wait to see what you make with it xx

  21. I know what you mean Anne, our local shows aren't what they used to be... I suppose internet shopping has killed off the bricks and mortar places!! Nice little haul and the celtic design looks a fun technique :0)

  22. Lovely new craft goodies, Anne. Your Celtic design is really lovely! x
