Tuesday 14 November 2023

Another 'fractured' card....

Another fractured Christmas card, this time I've used a little image I find in my box...I will put a name on it later.

I'm busy getting ready for my craft fair which is a week on Saturday, I only do one a year and its in our village Playgroup...  I have also managed to just finish all my own 'special' Christmas  cards and luckily I can hand deliver them all by hand apart from two...with the postage quite high now I think like a lot of people we've cut down...

Its a horrible wet and dark morning down here in Somerset but nice and cosy in my craft room..

Have a good day whatever you are doing



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  1. Pretty miserable here too Anne,a fun wintry card,the layout draws the eye straight to your image

  2. Same weather here Anne and they promised sun today! The little red image in the centre really pops against the blue and silver.

    B x

  3. This is a really pretty card Anne and love the snowflake paper, and the fractured card shape works well with your sweet little image in the centre. x

  4. I love it. Great job. I hope you have a wonderful day filled with blessings.

  5. A great image for this fractured card layout

  6. What a lovely card Anne! The little cute image is just perfect! x

  7. Hi Anne

    Another great card .. .. love the colour combo and your cute image.

    I hope you have a good craft fair. It sound like you have done well with all your Christmas makes .. .. far better than me that's for sure.

    Love Jules xx

  8. Oh what a lovely design for this sweet image Anne. A beautiful card. Hope the weather improves. xx

  9. I love this layout. Your card is very pretty. The colors are wonderful!

  10. This is so lovely, these colours, the design and image make a gorgeous card ♥

  11. Super Christmas card, Anne. I've seen a few of this style of card on several blogs, it's still on my list of designs to try. Thanks for the inspiration. xx
