Saturday 16 September 2023

SU Beary Christmas...

Firstly thank to to those people who emailed and text to see if I was ok....Yes thank you I am...we've been away on holiday and of course the garden has needed  a lot of attention preparing for the Winter....  my craft room faces south which means its far to hot to craft in the extreme heat..I hope that I can get back into the swing of things mojo also has gone on holiday!

This card is one we made at our last Coffee and card morning...its the SU Beary Christmas...

I need to get things done for my Yearly craft fair which is in November so lots to do for that... 

I'll catch up with all your posts soon..


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  1. Great to see your post Anne,hope you enjoyed your holiday and that the garden is ready for autumn. A gorgeous card, love the polar bears

  2. A great Christmas card made at the coffee/card morning.

  3. Gorgeous Christmas card Anne, love your cute little polar bears. Hope you had a good holiday. xx

  4. I love the shape and the polar bears are the perfect look for a Christmas card Anne and the added snowflakes and tree and starry paper all go beautifully. Glad all is well with you and that you had a good holiday and have managed to get the garden ready for winter..there can be quite a lot of pruning and sorting this time of year. x

  5. Sweet Polar Bears in their scarves, but I especially like the shape of your card Anne.

    B x

  6. Love your colours, a very pretty card with that image coloured beautifully x

  7. Beautiful Christmas card using these cute SU bears. Good to hear you've enjoyed had a lovely vacation Anne. xx
