Monday 7 February 2022

Daffodil Delight....

Sorry I've not been blogging much recently, I haven't been idle but I've been doing other things hence not spending time in the craft room, that's the problem with more than one hobby...

This lovely daffodil card was made at a coffee and card morning with the lovely Jill Lackford on Saturday.....I only send one Easter Card a year and that's to a dear friend so thought this would be ideal... SU cards tend to be 6" x 4" which are cards I don't make so I've put another mat behind the front of the made and made it into a 5" x 7"...

I have got other things on my desk waiting to be finished off so must get down to completing the cards... 

Thanks for taking to time to stop by



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  1. The daffodils are beautiful Anne,love seeing them peep through the earth,they are like a ray of sunshine when they bloom,a beautiful card

  2. This lovely card makes me think that Spring must be just around the corner - daffodils are such cheery flowers.

  3. Beautiful card Anne, I do not send Easter cards either.
    Pam x

  4. A gorgeous card Anne, a lovely design and those daffs are so pretty.
    Lorraine x

  5. That is really Beautiful.I love it.x

  6. Good Morning Anne. This Beautiful card has brightened my day, those daffodils are so pretty and thoughts of Spring are just around the corner. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. The die cut daffodils look very pretty Anne and I love the background and pretty embossed strip on which you have put your sentiment..a beautiful fresh looking card for Easter. x

  8. Beautiful daffodils on this gorgeous card Anne. A wonderful reminder Spring is around the corner. Take care, xx

  9. Beautiful card, those colours together are so pretty....great combo.xx

  10. Gorgeous card Anne, Spring is definitely on it’s way!
    Janice x

  11. So pretty your daffodils look so true to life x

  12. Your daffodil card is gorgeous, and I am sure your friend will love it. Daffodils always promise Spring - one of my favorite times of the year.
    Hope all is well with you sweet friend!
    Sandy xx

  13. Oh! Que c’est joli et élégant, biz
