Thursday 28 January 2021

Back in action...

Almost two weeks ago I had a fall when I came out of the dentist and ended up in A&E with a broken metatarsal and fracture... didn't find it easy using crutches and had to sit with my foot elevated for a week...down to one crutch now so I am able to get in my craft room...yiippeee.

I've made a couple of these cards for friends Anniversaries using SU Designer paper that went with the Free as a bird set.  At least I could sit a fussy cut the little birds and flowers.
Hubby has been brilliant cooking, cleaning, washing & ironing and looking after me so well...

It's also been a worrying time for us as our eldest daughter and family have all had Covid...the children weren't too bad but our daughter and SIL were quite poorly...thankfully they are now getting better.

Thanks for passing by

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  1. Great card idea for an anniversary and good to see that you didn't waste your time while resting your foot!!

  2. Oh my Anne! I hope you are getting better and managing to get about in the house a little (not too much mind, otherwise you're new 'Home Help' will think he can have a holiday!)
    It sounds like it has been a very worrying time for you all but glad that things are improving.
    Lovely card too. Stay safe. xx

  3. Oh dear Anne, so sorry I know how uncomfy that is as did the same a few years ago. Also sorry your family had COVID, our youngest son had it at Christmas and it really took it out of him - and he's the fit one who is a professional athlete. I went for my COVID jab today, came home not having it as it was the Oxford one which is not recommended for MS patients - stupidity of the system they have no idea of your history until you get there and tell them. And the most stupid part, there is no facility to put you back into the system.

    Anyhows, enough of my moaning you card is beautiful.

    B x

  4. Oh dear so sorry to read all your bad news. Hope you are soon up and about. This is a beautiful card

  5. Hope you're on the mend Anne sounds as though your hubby is taking good care of you.A beautiful Anniversary card love the papers and birds

  6. Hi Anne
    So sorry to hear about your fall the card ...fabulous stamps and papers ...
    Glad to hear your family are on the mend to...
    We get our second jab on Monday ....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  7. So sorry to hear about your fall but glad to hear you are getting more mobile, and also pleased to hear your daughter and SIL are now picking up after their bout of the virus. I love the sweet and pretty birds and flowers which you have fussy cut so well and such beautiful colours and background papers. x

  8. Super card, awesome colours and image..x

  9. Forgot to mention sorry to hear about your fall, please take care. xx

  10. Oh Anne - I am so sorry about your fall! I did not know. I haven't fallen for a while but I often times call myself the Queen of Falls. I walk very carefully now because I am afraid I might fall. And coming out of a dentist office - now that is injury on top of insult!
    Glad you are able to get around a little better.
    I love birds and have several feeders up in our yard. So you know I love this card - congratulations on a sweet and very attractive card.
    Sandy xx

  11. Adorable Anne, pleine de charme, biz

  12. Sorry to read about your fall Anne, must have been really take care.
    Beautiful card, nothing like crafting to take your mind of things.
    Pam x

  13. Ooh how cute is your card it’s just so lovely love the birds sorry to read of you falling ouch it sounds so painful but also glad you sound to be getting better and l am sorry to learn your family was effected with this awful virus and glad they too are in the mend take care and stay safe sending lots of hugs 🤗 xx

  14. Glad to hear you are back crafting, love the card, this paper is so nice it’s almost too good to use!

  15. Oh dear Anne .. .. you have had a bad time of it. So sorry to read about everything that has been happening.

    I hope you are much more comfortable now and that your daughter and her family will soon be fighting fit again. What a stressful time for you .. . but it looks like it is a gold star for your hubby!

    Lovely to see you crafting again. Such a beautiful card. The colours in the design paper are so lovely and your fussy cutting is amazing.

    Take care.

    Love Jules xx

  16. So sorry to hear about your fall Anne, but pleased you are back crafting.
    A beautiful card, I love the combination of the colours and image.
    Janice x

  17. Oh Anne, so sorry to hear about what has been going on. Amazing how quickly things change but very good to hear you are on the mend and your family is getting better as well. Happy to see you back in your craft room with this gorgeous card. Take card, Pat K xx
