Thursday 9 April 2020

Anyone for cake?

Its certainly a beautiful day today so I think I will be sitting outside this afternoon colouring...
My card today is from the SU Happy Birthday to you stamp set, again my image is stamped on water colour card and I've used my ink pads to colour.. found a couple of suitable embossed snippets to back the image...just added a few sequins to 'bling' the card up a bit.
I think we are all getting used to the lock down now and looks like its going to go on for a while longer. 
Just sorted out the edges of a new Jigsaw puzzle its nice to have various things to do during the day but one thing I can say I'm not bored!

Enjoy the sunshsine...


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  1. A lovely stamp used here Anne, gorgeous card.xx

  2. A really pretty card using this lovely stamp set - loving the sentiment in black LOL!!!

  3. I love your card Anne and in such pretty colours and with some lovely embossed pieces to embellish it. A really elegant card! I'm glad you are finding the isolation easy and have lots to keep you busy. I wish I felt the same but I still cannot seem to settle to anything much, but know we have to carry on with it and for quite a while longer I think. Take care. x

  4. A gorgeous card Anne, love the stamp and the very pretty colour scheme
    Lorraine x

  5. Another pretty card Anne! Enjoy your garden - and the jigsaw! x

  6. Yep .. .. I'll have a bit of cake with you Anne please.

    A great card with lots of lovely layers and a great colour combo.

    I needed to go to Mum today and the shops were as manic as ever .. .. queues galore stretching all down the car park (not that I joined them). I just went to the little shops and picked up what Mum needed from those.

    Mum wasn't allowed to come with me .. .. but I know she would have loved to. She is missing going out so much bless her.

    You sound like me and have plenty to do. I feel I could be locked in for years and still not run out of things to do!!

    Keep staying safe Anne.

    Love Jules xx

  7. Bravo!! yummy - I am always up for cake!!
    Sandy xx

  8. So pretty in the soft pastel pinks Anne.

    I love a jigsaw as well and had a Hermes package collected the other day to send some I've finished to one of his son's and wife as he couldn't but any on line anywhere.

    Have a good and safe Easter.

    B x

  9. Me please your cake 🎂 👀 delicious great card too stay safe x

  10. Beautiful card Anne. Love the pink and blue for this lovely stamp set. Hubby and I love to do jigsaw puzzles too. Enjoy the sunshine and Happy Easter. Pat K xx

  11. Beautiful card Anne, love the image and wonderful colours.
    Pam x

  12. Que c'est joli Anne, quels jolis tons de pastelles, biz

  13. We had our roof fixed so couldn't even sit outside and today its freezing, still I am kept busy with the kids and my crafting, I have been cross stitching more and more as I find it eases my panic somewhat, another gorgeous creation and I am so loving the embossing bits again, hugs Pops x
