Saturday 6 May 2017

40th Birthday....

Its been a couple of weeks since I last posted with no time for crafting, we also managed to have a few days away which was lovely.

 I've been sorting through cupboards and drawers trying to do a bit of late spring cleaning!  Also trying to sort through my craft room what a nightmare job that is never realized I had so much I dont use so I'm going to try and be good and get rid of all the excess stuff I dont 'need or use' ...talking of which is where I found the above image and card backing card it was from Kanban a few years ago but meant I could put together a 40th birthday card I needed very quickly. 

Posting will be a be sparce over the next couple of months but I will try and visit your blogs....

Enjoy the rest of your weekend..


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  1. This is very pretty in black and pink Anne and I love the silver glitter paper behind that pretty lady and on the sentiment and number plates too. I hope you manage to finish you craft room declutter soon. I did mine in early January and it is so hard to be strong enough to get rid of stash that there is nothing wrong with but which we have outgrown and has just been laying idle. Glad you had a nice break away for a few days too. x

  2. Oh Anne, c'est superbe, j'aime le mariage du rose et noir, biz

  3. Fabulous find in your stash for a quick birthday make Anne, think I have this from a few years back too..
    Darn`t start on my craft stash! would be at it weeks.
    Pam x

  4. I appreciate all your visits and taking the time to comment. This is lovely, great colours

  5. Lovely card Anne, great colour combo!
    Val x

  6. Wonderful card Anne. How nice to find something that goes together so quickly but looks like you spent all day making. I too am having a clean out in my craft room. It's way past time to part with some things that seemed really amazing when I bought them but now I shake my head & wonder what I planned on using them for. Glad you had a few days away. That's always nice to do.

  7. A lovely card Anne,I love pink and black

  8. I think we are all hoarders Anne, after all you never know when those things might come in handy and if you are anything like me you re-discover crafy stash and look at it in a totally new light.

    Your card today is very pretty and feminine. pink and black always looks so smart together.

    B x

  9. Love the black and pink on this great 40th birthday card. We all seem to be hoarders when it comes to craft 'stuff'!

  10. A great find Anne, it's pretty. Amazing what we find when 'spring' cleaning.xx ♥[aNNie]

  11. A lovely card Anne, fab design and I love the pink and black colour scheme.
    Lorraine x

  12. Such a pretty birthday card Anne - oh to be 40 again!
    My craft room is a nightmare -- it is so hard to throw things away -- I am always afraid I will need the item. Good luck sugar -- I am trying too!
    sandy xx

  13. Stunning card, Anne.Love the beautiful colour combination and the pretty flowers paper.

    Gr, Sylvia x

  14. A lovely card Anne, fab design and I love the pink and black colour scheme.Check Advantage coupon

  15. A very elegant card Anne, what a great find in your stash! I think so many of us crafters have a lot of un-used crafty bits in our craft rooms, I certainly need to give mine a Spring clean!
    Janice x

  16. Aww this is one gorgeous card! x

  17. A beautiful card Anne, it's amazing what you can make from things we forgot we have.
    I think we crafter's are all the same. We buy things use them till we see something else we like.
    Patricia x

  18. Love the black & pink together Anne making such a beautiful card. Good job on starting a clear out. Pat K x

  19. Love the black and pink. Like you I found masses of stuff when I was going through my craft room. Incredible what hoarders we crafters are!. Christine xx
