Sunday 27 July 2014

Last post for a week or so.......

 The Grandchildren arrived yesterday so for the next week or so we are spending time with them so the craft room will be redundant for a while.

I managed to finish off making this very quick card yesterday using one of the beautiful flower images from one of the LOTV Art Pads....just added a little bit of glitter to the flower heads...
Backing paper is also from LOTV....corner die from Whimsy and I just love the new petite bow from Sue Wilson.

My craft room looks all neat and tidy now that everythings back in its right place...its not normal is it??   ..lOl...lOl

Catch up with you all soon



  1. Very pretty card and the itty bitty bow just sets off the flowers nicely. Mr. Blogger seems to be on a go slow today with everything taking forever to load!!

  2. Hope you don't get this comment twice - Mr Blogger seems to be having a funny five minutes! Very pretty card and the little bow just sets off the flowers nicely.

  3. Stunning card Anne. You enjoy some quality time with your Grandchildren. Mine arrive on the 11th August. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Gorgeous card, love the bow, Anne, enjoy your time with the children, ours are so far away we seldom see them which is upsetting us...and a tidy craftroom is NOT normal. I clean mine each day only to be the same ten minutes after I sit in front of my
    The Journey is the Start

  5. Lovely card Anne. I hope you have a fantastic time with your grandchildren - far more important than crafting and blogging! Take care. Hugs Christine xx

  6. Gorgeous card Anne hope this works because Blogger is being a pain today! enjoy your time with your Grandchildren..huggles Sue xx

  7. Bright and cheerful. Loving this card. It is the perfect summer card. The butterfly makes it so. - Jim

  8. Hello Anne,
    A very pretty card that would cover many occasions. The bow is gorgeous.

  9. Beautiful card Anne and I love the bow! Enjoy your grandchildren, you'll be worn out by the end of the week:)
    Val x

  10. Hi Anne
    Fabulous card.... Love those art pads... Bow is stunning....
    Enjoy the Grand Chrildren
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  11. A gorgeous card Anne. Love the pretty flowers and fab bow die.
    Have a lovely time with your grandchildren
    Lorraine x

  12. This is gorgeous Anne. Enjoy your grand children.

  13. This is gorgeous,love the fab image. Have a fab

  14. Gorgeous yellow and blue. Have a fun week

  15. This is gorgeous Anne. I love the pretty image and beautiful bow.
    I hope you have a lovely time with your Grandchildren. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of spending time with my Nan and Grandad in the Summer.
    Sue xx

  16. Beautiful card Anne, prtty image and lovely colours..
    Enjoy your time with the Grandchildren,..

  17. lovely card enjoy your family visiting see you when you will be free
    Hugs from California

  18. A lovely card Anne, such a beautiful image..enjoy your time with the grandchildren, hugs Carole Z X

  19. Beautiful card Anne, I love this floral image, I must check out these art pads, have a wonderful week with your Grandchildren
    Kevin xx

  20. So pretty Anne - have a lovely time with your family. x

  21. Aww Anne your creation is so beautiful hope you have a great time with the grandchildren take care x

  22. Lovely vibrant card Anne - pretty bow. Enjoy your time with the'll need another holiday after that!!! lol

    Karen x

  23. Beautiful card Anne, I love the floral image, and bold summery colours.

  24. Hey Sugar - such a beautiful card. I know you will enjoy being with your grandchildren. I sure did. We have been out of town but now all is quiet but still lots of summer chores to do. I will probably start posting again in September.
    Sandy xx

  25. That Sue Wilson bow is sweet on your card. The card is stunning Anne. Enjoy those grandchildren. Thanks for your sweet blog lovin at my blog.

  26. A lovely bright and cheery card, enjoy your week.

  27. Hi Anne

    A beautiful card. Lovely bright fresh colours .. .. and your die bow if fabulous!

    I hope you have a lovely time with your Grandchildren.

    Love Jules xx

  28. Beautiful card...Love the topper and the bight colour....Have a lovely time with your Grandchildren...Joolsx

  29. Beautiful card Anne. Love the sweet image, beautiful colours and fab bow.

  30. wow such a beautiful card Anne and bright colors too which i like very much.
    i also love the card from the previous post with the gorgeous image.
    how nice that your grandchildren are coming and i wish you a wonderful time.
    lots of hugs from Ann
