Thursday 17 January 2013

Another Mask....

I still have my chest infection and have spend the last 2 days back at the doctors as they were very concern about my breathing..they've changed my antibiotics which are making me feel very sick all the time so haven't done any card making for nearly a week...hopefully by the weekend I will feel better.

For some reason Mr Blogger wouldn't let me leave comments on blogs yesterday but he does seem to be behaving himself now!

So I have another of my samples cards to show you using masks, core-dination paper and a sanding block, the image is a really old Penny Black stamp which I have stamped onto kraft card and used Prismacolor pencils. I've used the circle border die from Simon Says and  also a Memory Box die Fremont Crest on the corners....

They are forecast lots of snow for us tomorrow in Somerset but fingers crossed  we dont get too much!!!  Hope you are all keeping warm in the cold weather.



  1. I'm so sorry you are still feeling so ill Anne. I hope your new antibiotics kick in and do the job soon. I love the green and purple of your card. We are due a lot more snow too. Brrr! Christine

  2. What a beautiful card Anne love that image
    Hope you're feeling better soon
    jacqui x

  3. Another great masking card Anne, I do hope you also get well Annie

  4. Love the colours you've used on this pretty card and the effect of the mask background with the die cuts. Hope you are feeling better today. Spotted snow on the Blackdowns as I drove out this morning!

  5. This is gorgeous Anne....lovely image and

  6. Hi Anne sorry to hear you are still suffering with your chest infection, it wears you down. Love the colour combo on your card and the die cuts set the image off beautifully:)
    Val x

  7. Oh this is lovely Anne - hope you're feeling better soon. x

  8. So sorry to hear you're still poorly Anne, some of these viruses really do seem to be hanging about, but I do hope the new antibiotics do the trick.

    The colours on this card are absolutely divine and the images beautiful.

    B x

  9. This is gorgeous Anne, I love the image coloured on the Kraft card and the MB die looks wonderful in the corners.
    I hope that you are feeling better soon
    Sue xx

  10. Back from my little jaunt, went to Tesco's and there was no space in the car park, went on here and I think Mr blogger is ignoring me. Hopefully this will show up. I love your card, smashing mix of old PB and modern die cuts. Snow has just started. xx Flora

  11. Aww! Anne sorry to hear you are still not so good here is a gentle (HUG)from me.
    Your card is great with super colouring, love those corner Dies.

    patricia xx

  12. Goodness me this is so beautiful! x

  13. Beautiful colour and texture Anne.....
    Chris Richards

  14. Oh dear Anne, I'm sorry to hear you are unwell, I hope that you feel better soon, and the antibiotics start to work.
    This card is just beautiful, a lovely mix of colours, a beautiful image, and pretty die cuts with some fab embossing! Lots of lovely texture here.

  15. Hi Anne. So sorry to hear that you aren't getting any better. Hopefully the change in meds will help.

    Such a gorgeous card. There's something about purple and green ... they are a perfect color combo. Love the masked and sanded background ... so lovely with your beautiful flowers. Those corner dies are fabulous ... must add those to my wish list :) Loll xx

  16. Beautiful card Anne, very very pretty, hoping you'll be better soon Carole Z xx

  17. What a stunning card Anne. Take care. Sue x

  18. elle est superbe Anne, élégante et féminine, superbes découpes, je suis contente de savoir que tu vas mieux, prend soin de toi, biz

  19. So sorry to hear you have another chest infection Anne. I do hope the Dr will be able to sort you out with something that doesn't make you feel sick. This is a lovely card today - such gorgeous colours together! Take care and keep warm! Vicky x

  20. Hi Anne,
    Sorry to hear your chest infection isn't getting any better. I hope the new antibiotics work for you.
    Your card is gorgeous. I love the flowers and pretty colours. The background looks fab too.
    Take care
    Lorraine x

  21. Hi Anne...I hope you feel better soon and the antibiotics do the trick. I love your card. Beautiful image and a gorgeous colour. Take care.
    Debbie x

  22. such beautiful colors ---- very pretty card Anne. I am so sorry you have been sick. I hope you are getting lots of rest and drinking plenty of fluids. I would give anything if we could get your snow - they say we should get a tiny bit tonight but I bet we don't! Anne I sure do hope you feel better soon and I could be there to help you. Do stay in bed and get some rest kid!

  23. Hi Anne

    I am sorry you are still feeling so rough :-(

    I hope you start to feel much better soon.

    Your card here is gorgeous. Love your colour choices and the fabulous use of your pencils!!!

    Keep warm Anne.

    Love Jules xx

  24. Oh what a gorgeous card and love the beautiful floral image. Keep warm and safe Anne and hope you feel better soon.

  25. Good Morning sweetie, this is absolutely Gorgeous, warm hugs love Pops x x x

  26. Sorry you are still so poorly, hope you stay warm and get better soon. Lovely card, must try some masking, gorgeous image.

  27. :( I have everything crossed that you feel better soon, Anne!

    What a gorgeous card - the embossing and dies are fabulous with that image!

  28. WiwAnne its beatuiful darlin, I love the colours on kraft, hope your feeling better really soon shug, big huggies June xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  29. beautiful card anne, sorry your still not well, hope you pick up soon. take care pam

  30. You do make stunning cards Anne, so beautiful :) x

  31. Hope your new a/b's make you feel better soon Anne and you can get rid of the bucket! Great card and fab colourway. Loving the Fremont Crest die........hmmmmmm!

    Karen x

  32. Hi Anne
    Sorry to hear you are still poorly..... Hope you will soon feel better.... Fabulous card.....
    Hugs Sylvie xxxxx

  33. Beautiful card,love the purple,sorry to hear that you are still sick,hope you get better soon,take care,have a Blessed one...

  34. Stunning card. I just love the colours you have used.


  35. Oooh yuk, sounds like you have been suffering, I'm prone to chest infections so know how it drags you down. Your card is fab, love the colours and pretty image

    hugs Vicky xxx
