Friday 1 June 2012

St Lukes Charity card Challenge...

Well its the first of  the month and that means a new challenge over at St Lukes Charity card challenge.... I think some of you may have been put off my last months challenge which was one layer but this month its so easy our challenge is OUR LITTLE FURRY FRIENDS, this could be cats, dogs, Teddied or even furry monsters, so there's no excuse to join us in our challenge this month.
For my card I have used a Penny Black image called 'why am I smiling'...and used Copic pens to colour  my image.
Backing papers are from Stampin Up....Martha Stewart picket fence punch along the centre, tiny flower punch and I used a snowflake punch to get the tiny leaves.  Corners dies are from Quickutz.
Our fabulous prize this month has kindly been donated from Waltzing Mouse stamps and  is called 'TEXT-IT' 

Pop along and have a look at the other cards from our Designer Team for inspiration and then we look forward to seeing your wonderful cards...

Just remember you don't have to send your card to St Lukes Hopsice to take part in our challenge but it would be lovely if you did as they need all the money they can raise for the fantastic work that they do.....
So...come crafters lets us see what you can do and that fabulous prize could be yours...



  1. Anne - this is so sweet! The kitty is cute, with such a lovely expression on her face! I love the picket fence and flowers too! Lovely work!

  2. Gorgeous card Anne, love the cute PB image. Sue x

  3. He did make me smile! So sweet!

  4. Oh I love you're wonderful card Anne, its so adorable.

  5. Gorgeous card Anne, I love the bold colours. Your little flowers at the bottom of the fence look brilliant and what a fantastic idea to use a snowflake for the leaves!
    Have a lovely bank holiday
    Lorraine x

  6. Can certainly guess why the cat is smiling - brilliant stamp. Love the colours on this card and all the details.

  7. Fab card, love the splashes of yellow.....

  8. Good morning sweetie, this is just adorable, hope you have a great weekend huggles pops x x x

  9. This is gorgeous Anne,love the image and fab colours,gorgeous papers

  10. Hi anne
    Gorgeous card... Love this PB stamp..... Love the colours
    Hugs sylvie xxxx

  11. Very sweet, love the fence and flowers. Hope you will enter my candy.

  12. Oh what a very very lovely card, Anne! Gorgeous fur colouring too!

  13. Hi ,
    Well , I’m back and I have the rest of today free so as to catch up on everyone’s creations since I have been away refurbishing my old house.
    I adore reading the blog’s and looking at all the lovely cards and projects, almost as much as making the cards myself.
    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog , its so nice to keep in touch.
    I love this image , I have some penny black stamps and adore them, I must try to stamp more often , as you know my right hand is now "wonky" and it can take several (+10) attempts to get a clear stamped image when stamping,so I rely on the digi's too much. I adore all your cards below and Love the baby card with the moon and your "just a note " with the zebras.
    Your cards are always so different and so well designed I love them.
    I hope your eye infection is now better.
    Great work Anne well done ,
    Hugs Elaine

  14. Awe! Such a sweetie, Anne. Love your backing papers, sweet little flowers and the picket fence x

  15. He's simply gorgeous Anne! He reminds me of a cat that used to live on our road called Penguin ;-D

  16. What a lovely stamp and such wonderful coloring. Love the colors. The picket fence at the back gives the card a lot of dimension.

  17. Such a pretty little sunny scene Anne and I love your little 'furry friend'. I'll look forward to joining in with this challenge.

  18. Fabulous card Anne. Your cat looks like he got the cream bless him. The picket fence is a great addition too.
    Lynne xxx

  19. cute card Anne, the snowflakes as greenery is an inspired idea and works so well!!
    Jenny x

  20. This is just so beautiful, xx

  21. mais comme il est chou celui là! quel amour, elle est trop mignonne ta carte, biz

  22. Oh Anne, what a posh cat !!
    looooooove the colours..........
    love and hugs
    chris richards

  23. It's lovely, Anne, another very cute image. CoB

  24. Morning Anne what a gorgeous little card and its coloured perfectly, have a great weekend lovely lady and enjoy all the celebrations xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  25. Your card is gorgeous, love the cat!!! Hugs, Karen

  26. Well you make me smile too sweet lady. I am a cat person and love this cat. I love your design with this, especially the picket fence with the flowers. Hey, did I say love too many times!?!

  27. Anne, I'm not much of a cat person...but this little guy makes me smile!! Great coloring and fab card!
