Monday 26 September 2011

Less is More - Week 34

LIM challenge  is a card plan this week with the image on the top left hand side and sentiment on the right hand corner.
I needed to make a 'thank you' card so thought card would be fit this weeks challenge.
Image stamped from S.U. 'Just Believe' set and rather than put a sentiment across the stamped image I've placed some tiny punched out flowers with pearl centres.  Sentiment is computer generated.

My craft room is in great need of a tidy up so thats my job for this morning....where's that 'tidy up' fairy when you need her??


  1. I'll ask myself every day, haha!!!
    You're card is so beautiful!! Love the clean and simple, nice stamping!!
    Bye Cornelie

  2. This is pretty - nice touch with the tiny flowers

  3. Hi Anne, Beautiful card and thanks for sharing it with us!! Have a fabulous week:)

  4. I'm afraid the tidy up fairy hasn't been given my address, so maybe you could send her over here when she's finished with you!
    This is really pretty Anne.
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  5. Lovely card, is it Old Olive ink you've used? I could do with a visit from the tidy up fairy myself, to be honest!

  6. Lovely card Anne, I must treat myself so some scallop nesties! xx

  7. A really lovely card Anne, I like the addition of the tiny pink flowers.
    good luck with the tidy,
    Kevin xx

  8. Really pretty, perfect CAS card:)

  9. I think someone must have kidnapped the tidy up fairy as I haven't seen her in weeks..... ;-)
    I love how you've put the flowers where the sentiment goes - that is going to make me look at some of my stamps in a whole new light! TFS
    Tara x

  10. This is lovely great card for your challenge:) Sandra H

  11. Very pretty card. Love the stamp and little pink flowers. There is a tidy up fairy?!? Why did I not know this hehe :)

  12. fantastic card, anne, the Less Is more sketch is so nice this week, I wish I was able to play. I don't do tidying up very well when it comes to craft stash, but you know I'll come and clean your copics any time you like, lol. CoB

  13. Love your gorgeous card Anne.

  14. Sweet little card Anne
    Im rarely tidy! I call it artistic lol
    Thank you
    Mandi LIM

  15. i can't find my tidy fairy either. Love the way you've combined your stamps and the little pink flowers are very sweet. x

  16. oh tu es vraiment douée pour le C&S, quel talent! biz

  17. Very pretty card Anne, and I like your sentiment.

  18. Anne - this is just so lovely! Hope the tidy went well! I need to do the same :)

  19. Hi Anne that is lovely simple design but with a stunning effect. hugs Shirleyxx

  20. The addition of the tiny pink flowers is makes your card gorgeous. And sure everyone will give a great reviews about it. The way you have combined your stamps and the little pink flowers are very sweet.

  21. Great CAS card Anne - love the colours. BTW - when you find her can you send that fairy over to mine!!! lol

  22. Such a delightful creation Anne ! Pretty little details just make it so special !!!
    love and hugs
    chris richards

  23. Such a pretty card Anne and I love the touch of pink - although hopefully that's not a reflection of your eyes! I don't know where the tidy fairy's gone but she's certainly not round here!
