Monday 18 October 2010

Problems with Mr Blogger

I've had problems with Mr blogger not allowing comments to be left...hopefully now its all sorted.


  1. Hi Anne, I tried to make a comment under that ADORABLE frog card but it won't let me ... That's so sad cuz I wanted to tell the world what a WONDERFUL little card that is ... I LOVE everything on there & I NEED to get some of those cute tickets ... I've been seeing them & they are on my must have list now that you used them .. You are just whipping out some too cute things ...
    Hugs, Janie

  2. Hopefully the comments thing is sorted - I think that frog image has to be one of my favourite PB ones and I love what you have done with it. Amusing that everyone always says 'Mr Blogger' - must be a man I'm sure!!
